Sl. No. | Paper Details |
1. | Neena Joshi (2016) Exploring Impact of CSR Initiatives taken by Hotels on Economic Development and Sustainable Tourism, Ripples J., pp. 1-17. |
2. | Akshay, P. Khatawkar, Sweety Jamgade and Neena Joshi (2019) A Critical Study on the Impact of Food Miles and Promotion of Local food Sourcing in Bengaluru, Karnataka, Futurology: Managing Business in the Age of Technological Disruptions, 10th Annual International Research Conference, Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune. |
Sl. No. | Paper Details |
1. | Noopur Sharma (2015) Hotel Revenue Management and Its advantages and Disadvantages to Organization, its Employees and Customers, International J. of Scientific and Research Publications, 5(2), pp. 1-2. |
2. | Sandhya Anil Kumar (2016) Consultancy Collaboration with Industry Opportunities and Challenges, National Conference on Research, Consultancy and Innovation in Higher Educational Institutions Issues and Challenges, Bangalore |
3. | Mahendra Singh Negi, Komal Vaish, Vineeta Kumari (2017) Ecotel Concept and Green Practice Followed in Hotel Industry: With Reference to City Bengaluru, AVAHAN : A J. on Hospitality and Tourism, 5(1), 47-53. |
4. | Sandhya Anilkumar and Pratisha Baruah (2019) Sustainability in Waste Management – A Comparative Study on Urban vs Rural Hotels, International Conference on Innovations in Municipal Solid Waste Management and Best Practices for Circular Economy and Sustainable Environment, M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore. |
5. | Ankita Sakhuja Sharma, Vineeta Kumari (2020) Student and Faculty Perception in Context to the Student Preparedness for Hospitality Entrepreneurship ICOHOST, 3rd International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism GNA University Punjab pp. 2229-3620 Shodh Sanchar Bulletin. |
Sl. No. | Paper Details |
1. | Priya Arjun, Nagarekha Palli, Santhana Krishnan, K. G. and Kiran Kumar Reddy, T. (2017) Gluten Free Choux Buns Using Cornmeal, J. of Management and Commerce, 13(2), pp. 30-32. |
2. | Priya Arjun and Raghavendra, T. (2019) Online Liquor Delivery System: Disruptive Technology in the Beverage Industry in Bengaluru. Futurology: Managing Business in the Age of Technological Disruptions, 10th Annual International Research Conference, Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune. |
3. | Priya Arjun and Raghavendra, T. (2019) Bar Stock Exchange: Impact of Disruptive Technology on Pub Management in Bengaluru. Futurology: Managing Business in the Age of Technological Disruptions, 10th Annual International Research Conference, Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune. |
4. | Raghavendra, T. (2020) A Qualitative Study on Sustainable Mixed Drinks in Cocktail Bars of Bengaluru, 3 rd International Conference on Hospitality & Tourism under the aegis of ICOHOST-2020 on Hospitality and Tourism Industry: A Better Future for All |
Sl. No. | Paper Details |
1. | Rashmi Koppar (2015) Impact of Social Media on Tourism and Hospitality, J. of Management & Commerce, 2(1), pp. 24-26. |
2. | Rashmi Koppar (2016) Movies/TV Series based Tourism- A New Concept on the Rise, Ripples J., pp. 18. |
3. | Rashmi Koppar (2016) Challenges in Building Quality Research Environment in Higher Educational Institutions, National Conference on Research, Consultancy and Innovation in Higher Educational Institutions Issues and Challenges, Bangalore. |
4. | Rashmi Koppar, Shirin Kariappan, Supriya Rao and Arun Nathaniel (2016) Responsible Tourism and Rural Development: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges, National Conference, Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore. |
5. | Rashmi Koppar, Shirin Kariappa and Pratisha Baruah (2016) Niche Tourism, National Conference and Paper Presentation, St. Joseph’s College of Commerce, Bangalore. |
6. | Sivaramakrishna, V., Ankita, S. and Sweety Jamgade (2018) Customer Brand Engagement on Social Media Platforms in the Hospitality Industry, J. of Management and Commerce, 4(1), pp. 17-19. |
7. | Sweety Jamgade (2018) Scope of MICE Tourism as an Emerging Hospitality Industry, J. of Management and Commerce, 04(02), pp. 26-29. |
8. | Rajkumar Dev, Sweety Jamgade and Sahidi Bilan (2018) Contemporary Issues and Challenges of Hospitality Sector: A Case-Study on Staff Turnover and Motivation with Special Reference to Ibis Hotel, London, National J. of Jyoti Research Academy, 12(02), pp. 112-121. |
9. | Abhijith Santhosh and Sweety Jamgade (2019) Growth Prospects and Crisis Management in MICE Industry: Case Study of Trissur, Kerala, J. of Management and Commerce, 05(01), pp. 23-26. |
10. | Sweety Jamgade (2018) Staff Turnover and Motivation, the Challenges in Hotel Industry; Case of IBIS Hotel London, National Tourism Conference, Jyoti Niwas College, Bangalore. |
11. | Vinuta, S., Sweety Jamgade and Shirin Kariappa (2019) Study of Agri-Tourism with Reference to Coffee Plantations in Kodagu, J. of Management and Commerce, 05(02), pp. 15-20. |
12. | Vimal Venugopal and Sweety Jamgade (2020) Integrated Development through Tourism Circuit: Case Study of Kannur, Kerala, India, J. of Management and Commerce, 06(01), pp. 05-09. |
13. | Sweety Jamgade and Jyotsna Patil (2019) Sustainable Ecotourism Development and its Promotion: Case Study of Rural Areas in Nagpur District, Futurology: Managing Business in the Age of Technological Disruptions, 10th Annual International Research Conference, Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune. |
Sl. No. | Paper Details |
1 | Prasannakumar & Dr. Shaji Thomas -“A Study on Motivation of Final Year BHM Students of Bangalore University to Choose a Career in Hospitality & Tourism Industry”- -Journal of Hospitality Application & Research (JOHAR) Journal of Hospitality Application & Research (JOHAR) ISSN-0973-4538, Vol-6, No.1 January 2011- 54-64, by Dept. of Hotel Management, BIT- Mesra, Ranchi |
2 | Prasannakumar & Dr. Shaji Thomas -“Costing Employee Turnover based on Employee Performance Level – A Study on Five Star Hotels in Bangalore” – -International journal of Research in Commerce & Management VOLUME NO. 2 (2011), Issue No. 10 (October) ISSN 0976-2183 , Pg. 30-40 |
3 | Prasannakumar & Dr. Shaji Thomas -“What Prompts A Hotel Employee to Stay On Their Present Job? A Study on Five Star Hotels in Bangalore”- – International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism (IJOHAT)- Vol.1 No.1, Pg. 56-72 (ISSN-2249-5037)July-Dec 2011 by SSWAAR- Bhopal ( |
4 | Prasannakumar & Dr. Shaji Thomas -“Factors Affecting Employee Turnover –A Study on five Star Hotels in Bangalore”- – Indian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Vol2, No.2 December 2011-ISSN 2229-404X, Page 1-22 |
5 | Prasannakumar & Dr. Shaji Thomas -“An Exploratory Study of Monetary and Non-Monetary Benefits Preferred by Employees of Five Star Hotels in Bangalore”- -Apeejay Journal of Management & Technology-Vol 7, No 1 January 2012, ISSN:0974-3294, Pg. 32-43 |
6 | Prasannakumar & Dr. Shaji Thomas -“A Study on Retention Strategies Preferred by Employees of Five Star Hotels in Bangalore”- M.S. Ramaiah Management Review- A Research & Academic Journal of Business Management, ISSN- 0975-7988, Vol.4, Issue 1, Jan-June 2012, Pg 50-59 |
7 | Prasannakumar & Dr. Shaji Thomas -“Costing Employee Turnover Based on Employee Position Level: A Study on Five Star Hotels in Bangalore”- -Proceedings of International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management Studies-Volume III, July 2012 ISBN 978-93-82338-05-5, Pg 1083-1088 |
8 | Linda Nalini Daniel. and Alamelumangai, R. (2013) Employee Perception of Service Quality: A comparison between Public Sector Banks and Private Sector Banks in Karnataka, India, Annamalai, International J. of Business Studies and Research, 5(1), pp. 68-78. |
9 | Linda Nalini Daniel. (2013) Foreign Presence in Bank Credit in India, International Conference on Cross Cultural Management in Global Business, Acharya Bangalore B‐School (ABBS), India and Daito Bunka University (DBU), Tokyo, Japan. |
10 | Prasannakumar.J.P -“Reasons to Stay on the Job by Employees of Five Star Hotels in Bangalore- Employee Statement vs. HOD Perception – A Gap Analysis “-, Journal of Management and Commerce- M.S.Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences- Vol.1, Issue.1, September 2014, Pg 9-14 |
11 | Ashu Katyal and Betsy Xaviours (2015) A Study on MSME’s – Role in Propelling Economic Development of India & a Discussion on current HR issues in MSMEs’ in India, International J. of Scientific and Research Publications, 5(2), pp. 1-11. |
12 | Prasannakumar.J.P -“Cost of Employee Turnover – A Study Based on Critical Level of Employees of Five Star Hotels in Bangalore”-, Chanakya International Journal of Business Research, (Online Journal) Vol 1(1), 79–88, March 2015.Pg.79-88 |
13 | Santhana Krishnan, K. G. (2016) Learning French – Choices for Tomorrow, 36th National Congress and 3rd International Conference, Mumbai |
14 | Fraikue, F. B., Prasanna Kumar, J. P. and Amenumey, E. K. (2017) Optimization of Enzymatic Browning of Makuea Poo-Ung- An Experimental Study, J. of Management and Commerce, 13(1), pp. 25-28. |
15 | Prasanna Kumar, J. P. and Francis Betty (2018) Production of Dried Makuea PooUNG as a Convenient Food for Family Usage, First Biennial TTU Research Conference, Takoradi Technical University, Ghana. |
16 | Thashneem Thaqseen Bhanu, M. and Prasanna Kumar J. P. (2019) The Impact of Measure and Time on Quality Wine-Food Pairing, Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 08, 7th Asia Euro Conference 2018: Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Special Issue 2019, pp. 19-36. |
17 | Thashneem Thaqseen Bhanu, M. and Jaykumar, V. (2019) A Cursory Content Study of Indian Wine Label vis-à-vis New World Wine Label to Enhance Impulse Buying Among Novice Wine Consumers, Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 08, 7th Asia Euro Conference 2018: Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Special Issue 2019, pp. 37-62. |
18 | Thashneem Thaqseen Bhanu, M. and Prasanna Kumar, J. P. (2019) Attitude of Millennial’s of Bangalore Towards Wine and Impact of Pairing Indian Wines with Indian Flavors of Food, International J. of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, DOI:10.37200/IJPR/V23I1/PR190237. |
19 | Thashneem Thaqseen Bhanu, M. and Prasanna Kumar J. P. (2019) The Impact of Measure and Time on Quality Wine-Food Pairing, Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 08, 7th Asia Euro Conference 2018: Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Special Issue 2019, pp. 19-36. |
20 | Thashneem Thaqseen Bhanu, M. and Jaykumar, V. (2019) A Cursory Content Study of Indian Wine Label vis-à-vis New World Wine Label to Enhance Impulse Buying Among Novice Wine Consumers, Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 08, 7th Asia Euro Conference 2018: Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Special Issue 2019, pp. 37-62. |
21 | Thashneem Thaqseen Bhanu, M. and Prasanna Kumar J. P. (2019) Attitude of Millennial’s of Bangalore Towards Wine and Impact of Pairing Indian Wines with Indian Flavors of Food, International J. of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, DOI:10.37200/IJPR/V23I1/PR190237. |
22 | Thashneem, T. Bhanu and Prasanna Kumar, J. P. (2020) The Effect of COVID-19 Lockdown on Indian Tourism and Hospitality Industry, J. of Dental & Oro – facial Research, 16(02), pp. 34-38. |
23 | Vanishree, K., Sushma, B. S. and Chandrakala, D. P. (2020) A Study on Women Work-Life Balance with Reference to Three Dimensions: Personal Life, Work LifeEducationist (Faculties) and Work Life-Research in Bangalore Colleges, Social Science Research Network. |
24 | Rukhsar Jahan Ansari, Sweety Jamgade and Sushma, B. S. (2020) Women Entrepreneurship through Microfinance Institute in India, J. of Management and Commerce, 06(02), pp. 18-22. |
National Journal of Jyoti Research Academy, ‘Contemporary Issues and Challenges of Hospitality Sector: A Case-Study on Staff Turnover and Motivation with Special Reference to IBIS Hotel, London’
Dey Rajkumar, Jamgade Sweety and Bilan Sahidi
Growth Prospects and Crisis Management in MICE Industry: Case Study of Thrissur, Kerala -Abhijith Santhosh and Sweety Jamgade
Scope of MICE Tourism as an Emerging Hospitality Industry – Sweety Jamgade
India Ecotourism Leads to Community Economic Development — Sweety Jamgade
Customer Brand Engagement on Social Media Platforms in the Hospitality Industry Sivaramakrishna V. , Ankita Sharma. and *Sweety Jamgade.
ISSN 0974-0317 •Research Article on ‘Critique on Real Ecotourism Development with reference to Nagpur District’ in Research Journal Vol.12, No.2, 2016 printed/published on May2017
Ms. Pratisha Baruah and Ms. Sandhya Anilkumar presented a paper at an International Conference on Innovations in Municipal Solid Waste Management and Best Practices for circular Economy and Sustainable Environment. The paper was titled ‘Sustainability in Waste Management – A Comparative Study on Urban Vs. Rural Hotels’ which was published in Clean India Journal
Books Published
Kumar Prasanna. J. P (2010), Marketing of Hospitality and Tourism Services- 1st Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi
Kumar Prasanna, Daniel Linda & Pagad Mruthyunjaya (2012) Cost& Financial Management for Hotels – Tata McGraw-Hill, Delhi
Kumar Prasanna, Daniel Linda & Pagad Mruthyunjaya (2012) Financial Accounting for Hotels – Tata McGraw-Hill, Delhi