On 17th of October 2023, The Hospitality Club had a felicitation program for the members of the club, the day started off with the blessings of Lord Ganesha around 10:30 am in the presence of all the FHMCT staff and students. After the pooja, the club staff coordinators felicitated the students for presidents, vice presidents, department heads, deputy heads, house captains, and vice captains. By 12 noon the students were prepped for the inter-house games hosted by the cultural department. The various competitions were, Tug of war, break the matka, pani puri eating competition. The participants from the four houses of FHMCT – Electra, Hydra, Sirius, and Pandora took part in all the games actively and the audience encouraged them to winning too. The production team of FHMCT had cooked an authentic Karnataka cuisine lunch for all the staff, non-staff, and students. It was a successful event that took place with more than 250 students’ encouragement, enthusiasm, and active participation.