Hospitium is the ancient Greco-Roman concept of hospitality as a divine right of the guest and a divine duty of the host.
‘Hospitium Magazine’ is a platform to ‘bring out the writer in oneself’ so as to cater to the inquisitive minds of readers and authors disseminating the latest and needful information about the hospitality industry. The articles portray the original thoughts put forth by the authors from the academics, industry, students and scholars in their own unique styles. The themes explore various emerging areas of hospitality industry formulated by the editorial board for each issue. It is a double peer-reviewed biannual publication by the Faculty of Hospitality Management & Catering Technology, RUAS committed to fair and transparent review process.
Board of Editors
Prof. Abby Mathew – Dean, FHMCT, RUAS
Dr. Sweety Jamgade – FHMCT, RUAS
Dr Jithendran J. Kokkranikal – Principal Lecturer,
University of Greenwich
London, England
Mr. Sandeep Chatterjee – Food & Beverage Consultant
New Jersey, USA
Ms. Amrita Prabhu – FHMCT, RUAS

Hospitium-Vol-4-Issue- 1
Hospitium Volume- 6- Issue -1
Hospitium- Volume 6 – Issue -2